Mackay Weather Forecast

Mackay Weather experiences a tropical climate making it a great holiday destination. Summer is typically hot and wet with cooling afternoon breezes. Temperatures average 29-30 degrees and with a large proportion of the annual rainfall falling during December to March

Weather forecast

Mackay Weather experiences a tropical climate making it a great holiday destination. Summer is typically hot and wet with cooling afternoon breezes. Temperatures average 29-30 degrees and with a large proportion of the annual rainfall falling during December to March. Cyclone season also falls during summer between the months of December and April.
Winter in Mackay is usually a mild 21 – 25 degrees with cooler nights experienced especially way from the coastline.
(September to November) and (March to May) 19 to 25 degrees C (55 to 77 degrees F).
With the yearly average ocean temperatures a delightful 22 degrees, swimming all year round is possible but like all North Queensland beaches, the marine stingers and box jellyfish can be found during the months of October to May.